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Interactive Map of Clear Creek County, Colorado
Stage 1 Fire Restrictions
April 21, 2022
Clear Creek County Sheriff’s Office is implementing temporary Stage 1 Fire Restrictions effective at 12:00 today, April 21, 2022. Due to high fire danger, no open flames, sparks, shooting.

Code RED
CodeRED is the FREE community notification system available to Clear Creek County residents that will send you alerts concerning time- sensitive and/or emergency information that may impact your area via phone, text messages, emails, and social media. Don’t wait! Start receiving notifications that Could save your life. Sign up today! Visit to enroll or update your information, visit, or call 303-679-2393
Keep up to date with County Government UPDATES and Information on the County Government Facebook Page

Clear Creek Fire Authority
681 County Road 308
PO Box 507 Dumont, CO 80436

Wildfire Preparedness
- FEMA Checklist for Homeowners
- Home Ignition Zone Guide by the Colorado State Forest Service
- CSU Extension Wildfire Resources
- Living with Fire
- Financial Emergency Prep
- Emergency Preparedness for Kids
- Caring for Livestock Before Disaster
- Clear Creek Fire Authority
- Firewise Resources: Residents Reducing Wildfire Risks
- Colorado State Forest Service: Protect your home, property, and forest from wildfire
- Rotary Wildfire Ready
- Article: Report highlights what state needs to do after historic wildfires [2020]
- Colorado 2020 Wildfires Webinar series replays on the Southern Rockies Fire Science Network YouTube channel.
Annual Tasks to Create a Defensible Space
- Clear roof, deck, and gutters of pine needles and other debris.
- Mow grass and weeds to a height of 6 inches or less.
- Rake all pine needles and other flammable debris away from the foundation of your home and deck.
- Remove trash and debris accumulations from the defensible space.
- Check fire extinguishers to ensure that they are not expired and are in good working condition.
- Check chimney screens to make sure they are in place and in good condition
- Remove branches that overhang the roof and chimney.
- Dispose of slash from tree/shrub thinning.
- Garden with Fire Resistant Plants
- More FireWise Plant Materials for landscape planning

Understanding Drought Conditions
- Intermountain West Region
- Current Drought Conditions by the Colorado Climate Center.
Clear Creek County is the gateway to the Rocky Mountains. Located just west of Denver along Interstate 70, Clear Creek has 396 square miles of public lands to explore, as well as four mountain peaks above 14,000 feet. Clear Creek is comprised of charming mountains towns Idaho Springs, Downieville, Lawson, Empire, Georgetown, and Silver Plume, which are all along the I-70 corridor. Learn more about Clear Creek County here.