Outdoor Safety Tips: How to Scare Off a Mountain Lion or Bear

Make Lots of Noise

Clear Creek is home to many different animals and some can be dangerous. Remember these outdoor safety tips to avoid a confrontation with mountain lions or bears at your campsite.

  • Stay inside before dusk and before dawn
  • Closely supervise children and pets whenever they play outdoors
  • Make lots of noise when you’re crossing your campsite between dusk and dawn when mountain lions or bears are most active
  • Clean up camp often
  • Store your food and garbage properly at all times.
  • Keep your tent and sleeping bag free of food smells.
  • Tents should be placed 100 yards from the cooking/eating area, and clothes worn while cooking should be stored away.
  • Put garbage in your trunk and pack it out at the end of your stay.
  • Store Your food and toiletries safely
    All food coolers and toiletries should be stored in your trunk or high in a tree
  • For extra safety, consider suspending your supplies
  • Hang your supplies out of reach, at least 10 feet from the ground and 4 feet from the base

Crossing a Mountain Lion

  • Be Calm
  • Stop, and slowly back away while facing the lion
  • Do not crouch down or turn your back
  • Pick up your children to protect them so that they won’t panic and run
  • Speak firmly
  • Raise your arms or open your jacket to appear bigger than you are
  • If the lion acts aggressively throw stones, branches, or whatever you can
    If the lion attacks you FIGHT BACK

Meeting a Black Bear

  • Remain Calm
  • Stop, and slowly back away while facing the bear and avoid eye contact
  • Do not make any sudden movements
  • Talk softly and try to show no fear
  • If the bear attacks you FIGHT BACK

Our Guide to Wildlife Watching

Here are a few simple ways to blend into an animal’s surroundings. In return, you’ll be treated to a wildlife show that makes your heart pound and senses hum.

Fade Into the Woodwork
Wear natural colors, unscented lotions, remove glasses, and walk softly

Let Animals be Themselves
Do not share your food, “save” baby animals, or throw objects.

Stick to the Sidelines
Use binoculars or zoom lenses, and give nests a wide berth

Come to Your Senses
Focus and expand your attention, stop, look, and listen

Be Easy to Be With
Relax and make yourself as small and unassuming as possible

Think Like an Animal
When does it feed, nap, bathe, and drink? Dusk and dawn are usually good bets

Clear Creek County is the gateway to the Rocky Mountains. Located just west of Denver along Interstate 70, Clear Creek has 396 square miles of public lands to explore, as well as four mountain peaks above 14,000 feet. Clear Creek is comprised of charming mountains towns Idaho Springs, Downieville, Lawson, Empire, Georgetown, and Silver Plume, which are all along the I-70 corridor. Learn more about Clear Creek County here.